昨天与老公和两个宝贝从芙蓉驾车上槟城时,由于累了便临时决定在怡保歇息。很高兴看见很多素食馆可以用餐之余,更让我好奇的是这角落(它的墙壁一角写着DANCE,MUSIC,ARTWORK,PHOTOGRAPHY, SHORTFILM...",这简直是我心里小小的梦想嘛!)。
喝了黑咖啡和Iced Peach Tea,心灵也被这咖啡馆对梦想和生活的热枕和坚持而充电了!
"一个梦想,一股傻劲, 一个死党,一箩祝福,杂咖坊开张啦~
杂咖坊 - 手工杂货咖生活坊,自一个单纯的概念: 为手作咖与你设一个交汇点及为独特的手作品寻找归属。在这里,你能在制式的生活物品里找到独一无二的手作单品,自创流行。
With a simple dream, a hunch of innocence, and a band of friends, Zakka Loft was born.
Zakka Loft brings to all a handcrafting way of life.
The term Zakka is derived from the Japanese word 'zak-ka' (雑貨). It is used to describe common objects that we use every day to enhance our lifestyle. The works in Zakka are contemporary and done by an array of independent artists. Every piece of their creation are truly unique and definitely one of its kind.
The best things in life are often shared. Tucked nicely away in a corner of the Zakka Loft is a handcrafting studio. This is a place for anyone who is keen to discover the fun and secrets of handcrafting.
In Zakka Loft, there is always the presence of an alluring aroma. This comes from a variety of homemade recipes that is said to often leave one hungry for more.
If one were to stop in Zakka Loft and hear carefully, one will be able to actually listen to the whispers of the old English lamp, the newly coated wooden rack, the rusty old bicycle, the vintage window grill and the rustic table fan. Every whisper carries within tales collected from over the years and how each of them were given a new lease of life after being adopted from a warehouse where they were left abandoned.
The whole idea behind Zakka Loft had originated from the fondness for the loft. The endeavours of Zakka Loft are thus not complete. It aspires to one day fulfill its destiny if you will, to eventually find Zakka Loft in a loft.
We present to you, Zakka Loft.
Address: No.2, Jalan Medan Ipoh 1C, Medan Ipoh Bistari, 31400 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Tue - Sun: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
http://instagram.com/zakkaloft特别喜欢独特的家具和不断快乐欢呼的彩色! |
谁说餐厅咖啡馆里的家具需要统一又一模一样的? |
色彩缤纷的飞机人头慵懒地躺在在地上,唤醒我沉睡的童年记忆! |
飞吧我的梦想!谢谢你的鼓励啊! |
我有,你呢!? |
小王子说世界上真正重要的东西,是要用心才能看得见哦! |
我近来画了一幅小王子的星空,很相似哦。。看看。。。 |
老公喜欢圆餐桌,啊不然我就可以做个像这个这么有性格的桌子咯! |
吃完才给钱的概念,让这空间充斥着信任。。。 |
许多用心经营梦想的人们在这展示他们的作品,贩卖的其实超越产品,而是一种性格和坚持。 |
look great~ can try it when next trip~
ReplyDeletethanks for intro~
Curni, it's good esp if you're tired from driving on long-distance trip. Just stop over Ipoh cos it's just a stone's throw away from the North South Highway :)
DeleteGet caffeinated and be happy!