Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Understanding SMALL things in 2014

01.01.2014 @ 0058
Just welcomed the new year 2014 with my loved ones...
There wasn't any spectacular fireworks, nor any fancy countdown celebration. However, the feeling of contentment and gratitude was even more overwhelming.
It was the same, usual life routine ~ 
After a good New Year Eve dinner outing with dearest hubby & kids, the kids were still hyper at 11++ pm! I made milk for my lil girl, washed my boy's poop, take pleasure in seeing how they have grown - as in how the lil ones (2 & 4 years old) brush their teeth independently, and how my thoughtful daughter make the bed for us every night (our previous hotel stays inspired her to make the bed ala hotel style every night - this is one good ROI/ return on investment huh? hehe) 
"Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things. It is when we start understanding SMALL things." I guess, those are the SMALL things as mentioned in the quote? :)
2013 has been a year of drastic changes and big surprises - something which requires so much wisdom and courage. I'm grateful for all the growing pains and joys - for it has "groomed" me to become who I am today.
I truly believe 2014 will be an even greater year, especially so when I'm going to be constantly counting my blessing + making a difference via My Brand Lab platform.
I'm tip-toeing, but at least, I've taken the leap of faith - cos Mark Twain says, 20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

May all of us be blessed with good health, happiness, wisdom, and love. to those whom I've hurt before, maaf zahir dan batin...

May My Brand Lab's vision come to fruition one day - that is ~ to inspire and remind everyone (yes, everyone) that giving is easier than we think.

Be someone's reason to smile. Today, now.


Sunday, 29 December 2013



Friday, 13 December 2013


以下的英文excerpts 原于http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/friendship/what-not-to-say-to-stay-at-home-moms

以下是FAQ Frequently Asked Questions,to a WAHM (Work-At-Home-Mom)/ SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom).

“What do you do with all that free time?”

 “It must be nice not to have to work.”
"...Being an at-home mom definitely qualifies as a full-time job."


“问这以上两个问题的人,一定没亲自顾过孩子(24/7那种),又或者患有同理心贫乏症...其实唯一的FREE应该是FREE免费(虽然无价)的无微不至和付出吧” ^^

“When do you plan to return to your career?”
“Asking when also implies that staying home is a temporary detour, when it might not be for that person,” notes Steiner.It’s better to ask if a woman is interested in returning to her previous career, not when."


“每个人的幸福模式并不一样,别把自己的幸福定义及价值观 - 套在他人身上。

Both working mom and work/ stay-at-home-mom are all challenging roles, so let's not judge.

没话题的时候,沉默可以更让人感觉自在。” ^^

“Do you feel like getting your (Degree)Master’s was a waste of time?”
"Nothing conveys a lack of respect for the job of mothering more than this jab. “Raising children well is hard, priceless work, but our capitalistic society places more value on entrepreneurship and money-making,” adds Steiner.




虽然这对一个孩子的成长和社会温情影响深远,这毕竟无法标上价钱。 因为是无价的。” ^^

“I could never do what you do. I’d die without adult conversation.”

我的回答:“这的确不是个很成熟的‘adult conversation'...” ^^


Thursday, 12 December 2013




Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Here is my secret...

Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. "Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

 pic source: Le Petit Prince Official FB


很有才华又没瞧不起MyBrandLab的Ivy,是第一个merchant partner。







而且还兼职帮着一位眼睛专科医生做freelance copywriting的我,总得在他们睡了,我才开工直到凌晨(我想,一个大马熊猫就快诞生!)

以前以上市公司的corporate communications manager的身份,很活跃地推广公司CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility).今年六月离职前夕,在筹款活动中,和一群很有大爱又talented的volunteers一起给儿童院筹到了超过十千块的基金。


离职后,虽然很珍惜公司特别让我担任顾问(若您在猜测,这是无薪的职位,因为这是volunteer性质的),也很感恩他们让我继续可以参加活动(若我从槟城去吉隆玻时间配合得到),还可以探望我已经联系起感情的孩子们(Rumah Kanak-kanak Angels, Old Klang Road - 您也可多多关怀帮助他们哦)。


《This is how My Brand Lab works!

We want to EMPOWER people who wake up everyday to achieve their dreams; those who dare to take the leap of faith (hassle + heartache). YES, to ENTREPRENEUR-WANNA BE (MOMPRENEUR welcomed too) out there who have unique, cool, stuff (be it handmade or not) to be sold via this shared platform, PM us to see if you can be part of the merchant partners!

This is one si...mple mantra of My Brand Lab - KINDNESS IS ALWAYS FASHIONABLE!

We only have 3 "ABC" conditions:
1. ADVERTISING - We believe our qualified merchants are professional entrepreneurs who will not manipulate this platform to becoming their own aggressive advertising board. Otherwise we are sorry we'll have to do something not-so-kind (so not fashionable)...

2. BIG-HEARTED: Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see (Mark Twain). All merchants will have to donate a one-off participation fee (RM50 only, the higher the donation, the better) to a NOBLE CAUSE identified (which is mutually agreed by Admin and merchant). Transaction will be done by merchants themselves. We'd just need to see receipt (attention to merchant, not Admin) as verification.

3. CARE FOR CHARITY: Merchants are allowed to advertise 20 products maximum (80 photos max per folder) at one time, with a commitment of another RM10 donation (to an authentic cause agreed). Admin will not interfere the product shipping, payment etc between merchant-customers. As trust is the key here, Admin will not be held responsible for products sold by our merchants - However, customers are welcomed to give us feedback if we should be aware of any problem or compliments!

Lastly, we hope that this platform will be a gentle reminder to our customers out there that they TOO - can make a difference and donate directly to some worthy, noble causes After all, gift giving can be creative, fun and MEANINGFUL too!

PM us Admin to know more about how merchants can work with My Brand Lab. Kindness will never be out of fashion!》
在 My Brand Lab 这实验室里,我选择了相信梦想及善的力量!


Sunday, 1 December 2013












Celebrating Life during Funeral
My dear family and relatives, thanks for attending our get-together this afternoon. Today marks the 1 month anniversary of the demise of our beloved grandmother, fondly called Atuk…I would like to share 5 lessons I learned from this unforgettable event.
One month ago, I flew back Penang from Kuala Lumpur with earnest hope to accompany Atuk during her last few days. When I finally saw her, Atuk looked calm and in peace, beautiful as usual…just that it also came with the disturbing quietness and motionless this time.
I was LATE… 8 hours and 30 minutes late… [pause]. Anyway the 1st lesson I picked up from Atuk’s ‘silent mentoring’ is – Have NO regrets if you’ve done what you should do, in the best way you can! After all, I’ve shown that I love her to bits when she was healthy and alive. On behalf of Atuk, I would like to dedicate my heartfelt appreciation to my family members who selflessly spent day and night serving Atuk during her last few years - when she was weaker and more dependent. Since all of us have done our best, we should have no regrets or being sad. After all, life is too precious to be spent on regretting. 
2nd lesson - we can still celebrate life during funeral because ‘death ends a life, not a relationship’…The fact that Atuk has lived past 100 years without any illness is already a miracle - which we need to be grateful of! According to tradition, her funeral should be a happy celebration – for she was blessed with so many people who loved her until her last breathe. Therefore instead of the solemn black and white, her grandchildren wore pink while great grandchildren wore fresh red. Hmm, it definitely gave me a brand new interpretation of these colours!! J
3rd lesson I learned from Atuk was about what really matters in life. Throughout the wake, relatives, friends and old neighbours came to pay Atuk their last respect. Some have not seen each other for ages but it seemed that Atuk brought all her loved ones back together.
Even without uttering a word, I think I heard Atuk telling us never take your families and friends for granted. Even without any movement, she moved us to tears and made us realize ultimately what matters in life - is something beyond big house, high position, luxurious car and fat bonus!
The 4th lesson Atuk taught me was about beingrich and beautiful’. Atuk was just a simple lady like any others who were born in the 1913s. Because of poverty, she was denied the license to proper education. After grandfather passed away, she single-handedly raised up her four children with her income in rubber tapping and ‘tikar anyam’. Atuk didn’t earn enough to send her children to school either. However as much as Atuk was not able to feed them well with food, she surely ‘fed’ them with enough integrity, moral values and respect for others. That explained why Atuk and my family were well respected in the village where we grew up. In her simple ways, she showed us that being rich and beautiful WITHIN will make one go even further in life.
The 5th lesson I learned from our Atuk – being ordinary doesn’t mean we can’t create extraordinary life stories. It was a rare sight at any usual wake…Despite the heavy rain, a huge group of Malay and Indian neighbours turned up. After we moved out from the village 8 years ago, the villagers still remember and miss her. My dad and uncles hugged the old neighbours, ‘salam’ and showed them the ‘Tuk Boon’ whom they used to know in Kubang Semang village. They shared stories, laughed about the good old days and expectedly - some teared….A sight that is truly “1 Malaysia ”. Atuk was not a politician with great campaigns, but she has proven that she lived on in the hearts of people she has touched and nurtured while she was alive – irregardless of race.
Yes, we have all the reasons to celebrate a simple life well-lived, not just in length but in great DEPTH too! J
Allow me to dedicate this poem to Atuk who is forever important to us:-
You can shed tears that she is gone,
Or you can smile because she lived;
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left;
Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her anymore,
Or you can be full of the love that you shared when she was alive;
You can remember that she is gone now,
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on;
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back,
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes; love and go on.
Let us do just what Atuk wanted…love and go on...